3 – Aquaculture in Lagoon and Marine Environments

Brief Description This booklet analyses the current status of aquaculture in the Mediterranean region. It presents the economic issues surrounding its development and examines the impacts of this relatively new activity on the ecologically sensitive coastal wetlands of the region. Aquaculture today is a rapidly diversifying sector both in terms of technology and with respect to the species cultivated. Furthermore although aquaculture produces fish with high added value catering for […]


2 – Functions and values of Mediterranean wetlands

Brief Description This booklet has a twin focus, on the one hand exploring the role of wetlands in nature’s cycle and on the other considering the importance of wetlands for man.A high number of examples provided to illustrate the key points in the book makes it overall a very accessible reading. One key point that emerges is that wetlands are part of wider hydrological systems and so the mechanisms of […]


1 – Characteristics of Mediterranean wetlands

Brief Description This is an introductory work offering concise information on key aspects of wetlands in an accessible manner.Variety in types of wetlands as well as variety in animals and plants that are associated to wetland ecosystems is one of the key points emerging from the book.From river deltas and coastal lagoons to less well known yet expansive inland salt lakes, also known as chotts, lacing the northern edge of […]


Mediterranean Wetland Inventory: Photointerpretation and Cartographic Conventions

G Zalidis, A Mantzavelas, E Fitoka Brief Description This volume presents a method to support mapping of wetlands. It presents an overview of the habitat description system and how to apply it, as well of photointerpretation conventions and drawing technique. It then looks at the process of transferring information to the base map, including the steps of defining borders of the mapped area, presentation of non wetland habitats and the […]


Mediterranean Wetland Inventory: Habitat Description System

J C Farinha, L T Costa, G Zalidis, A Mantzavelas, E Fitoka, N Hecker, P Tomàs Vives Brief Description This publication sets out a system for making detailed description of Mediterranean wetland habitats depending whether they possess certain characteristics linked to a set of criteria. This habitat description system can be used as a framework for a wide scale inventory of Mediterranean wetlands and is intended to describe ecological units […]


Mediterranean Wetland Inventory: Data Recording

Mediterranean Wetland Inventory: Data Recording N Hecker, L T Costa, J C Farinha, P Tomàs Vives Brief Description In order to provide wetland managers with information that provides insight into changes in the status of wetlands it is necessary to use standard methods for the collection and presentation of data. One of the first projects undertaken within MedWet aimed to define the set of data that describe any wetland area […]