Environmental water requirements of wetlands and their importance for river basin management in the Mediterranean, including the effects of climate change on natural water flow

We are happy to announce the publication of the Briefing note “Environmental water requirements of wetlands and their importance for river basin management in the Mediterranean, including the effects of climate change on natural water flow”, developed by the Specialist Group on Water (Water-SG) of the Scientific and Technical Network of MedWet (MedWet/STN). Wetlands are vital for human survival. As one of the world’s most productive environments, wetlands are indispensable […]


Water in Mediterranean wetlands: environmental flows for Mediterranean wetlands

  This technical leaflet was produced by the Specialist Group on water (MedWet/STN/Water-SG). It is about the environmental flows for Mediterranean wetlands and highlights the important role of wetlands as key providers of water. The Water Specialist Group is one of the five Specialist Groups that make up the MedWet/STN. It comprises 10 experts from 7 countries in complementary disciplines and practices, who advise on different aspects of water resources […]


Mediterranean Wetlands Outlook 2: Solutions for sustainable Mediterranean Wetlands – 2018

The Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory, functioning under the umbrella of Tour du Valat and the Mediterranean Wetlands Initiative MedWet, has just published the new report Mediterranean Wetlands Outlook 2: Solutions for sustainable Mediterranean wetlands (MWO2). The MWO2 updates the situation for Mediterranean wetlands since 2012, the year of publication of the MWO1, which was the first regional indicator-based assessment of the status of wetlands and the challenges that they face.   […]


Mediterranean wetlands, status, trends and prospects: the synthesis

This thematic note is a synthesis of the first Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory report issued in 2012 “The Mediterranean Wetlands Outlook”.
This report presents the results of a three year analysis of the status and trends of wetlands in the Mediterranean, the pressures they face, and propose the recommendations and actions to follow for their conservation in the future.


Mediterranean Wetlands Outlook 2012

This report is the first report of the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory (MWO) which was created in 2008 under the framework of the MedWet Intiative in order to monitor and assess the status and trends of Mediterranean wetlands and to increase knowledge on their various benefits.
The report presents the results of a three year analysis of the status and trends of wetlands in the Mediterranean and the pressures they face.


13 – Integrated Management of Mediterranean Wetlands

This publication addresses key issues relating to planning and implementing integrated management in the Mediterranean context. Moreover, the first section of the book, focusing on a general overview of the values of wetlands and benefits, richly illustrated with photographs and diagrams make an excellent introduction on the subject of wetlands.
