ECOPOTENTIAL: Informing management of protected areas through Earth Observation

  In order to improve ecosystem benefits and functions in the face of increasing anthropogenic pressures, effective monitoring and modeling of the state and trends in ecosystem conditions and services is needed. This could be done through using existing and upcoming Earth Observation and field monitoring data. ECOPOTENTIAL is a European- funded H2020 project coordinated by the National Research Council of Italy (CNR). It focuses its activities on twenty internationally recognized protected […]


Mediterranean Wetlands Outlook 2: Solutions for sustainable Mediterranean Wetlands – 2018

The Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory, functioning under the umbrella of Tour du Valat and the Mediterranean Wetlands Initiative MedWet, has just published the new report Mediterranean Wetlands Outlook 2: Solutions for sustainable Mediterranean wetlands (MWO2). The MWO2 updates the situation for Mediterranean wetlands since 2012, the year of publication of the MWO1, which was the first regional indicator-based assessment of the status of wetlands and the challenges that they face.   […]


Land-cover in Ramsar Sites in Metropolitan France, 1975-2005

The stakeholders gathered in the framework of the thematic meeting “Biodiversity & Wetlands”, constituted in a National Wetland Observatory in France, collectively elaborate and publish numerical reports giving an update on a particular subject relating to wetlands. This brochure “High-profile Wetlands in France – Land-cover in Ramsar Sites in Metropolitatn France, 1975-2005”, released in May 2017, is a synthesis of the full report available only in French.


First thematic report- Biodiversity: status and trends of species in Mediterranean wetlands

“Biodiversity: status and trends of species in Mediterranean wetlands” is the first thematic report published by the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory (MWO).

This issue is dedicated to biodiversity and provides in-depth knowledge on the conservation status of species dependent on wetlands in the Mediterranean basin, the threats, the consequences of their depletion on human well-being, and solutions to reverse the negative trends.


Second thematic report: Land cover spatial dynamics in Mediterranean coastal wetlands from 1975 to 2005.

This study was carried out based on a method developed by the GlobWetland-II project, which was launched in 2010 by the European Space Agency (ESA) in order to set up a Global Wetlands Observing System, in partnership with the Ramsar secretariat and its Scientific and Technical Review Panel.
214 maps of coastal wetlands in 22 Mediterranean countries were established using satellite images for the reference years of 1975, 1990, and 2005. Several indicators were then calculated based on these maps, which provide information on trends in the surface area of the different habitats in these wetlands.
