Technical reports of the Mediterranean Waterbird Network (MWN)

Since 2017, the Mediterranean Waterbird Network (MWN) has been exchanging with other Mediterranean countries, in addition to the five historical North African partners.   Discussions with these new countries (France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, but also Portugal, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia) have led to the development of a scientific poster to be presented at an international conference (EBBC, 2019), a scientific paper to be reviewed in a scientific journal […]

Living Mediterranean Report, an unequivocal assessment of Mediterranean biodiversity

We are living in exciting, if somewhat discouraging, times for our planet. We face unprecedented global challenges that are a clear consequence of our actions, with temperatures rising and biodiversity collapsing. The Mediterranean basin, a region of the world where natural resources have ensured the prosperity of human societies for millennia, must also face these new challenges.   The Living Mediterranean Report sheds light on the fate of one of […]


Biodiversity in the Mediterranean wetlands: Unique species and ecosystems under threat

  This technical leaflet was produced by the Specialist Group on biodiversity (MedWet/STN/Biodiversity-SG). It showcases the status of biodiversity in the Mediterranean and the threats the species are facing in the region. The Biodiversity Specialist Group is one of the five Specialist Groups constituting the MedWet/STN. It is made up of 15 experts from 13 countries in a wide variety of disciplines, who contribute to different aspects related to biodiversity. […]


Mediterranean Wetlands Outlook 2: Solutions for sustainable Mediterranean Wetlands – 2018

The Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory, functioning under the umbrella of Tour du Valat and the Mediterranean Wetlands Initiative MedWet, has just published the new report Mediterranean Wetlands Outlook 2: Solutions for sustainable Mediterranean wetlands (MWO2). The MWO2 updates the situation for Mediterranean wetlands since 2012, the year of publication of the MWO1, which was the first regional indicator-based assessment of the status of wetlands and the challenges that they face.   […]


First thematic report- Biodiversity: status and trends of species in Mediterranean wetlands

“Biodiversity: status and trends of species in Mediterranean wetlands” is the first thematic report published by the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory (MWO).

This issue is dedicated to biodiversity and provides in-depth knowledge on the conservation status of species dependent on wetlands in the Mediterranean basin, the threats, the consequences of their depletion on human well-being, and solutions to reverse the negative trends.
