Designation and Management of Ramsar Sites

the Ramsar Secretariat has produced a new guidebook to facilitate the process of designation and management of Ramsar Sites, for those involved in the process, based on materials identified by the Secretariat and the Convention’s experts and partners.


Integrating multiple wetland values into decision-making (Policy Brief 2017)

The Ramsar Convention recognizes the interdependence of people on wetlands for their important economic, cultural, scientific and recreational values. The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) provides a framework for considering the multiple values of nature, including wetlands, and its benefits to society within policy-making and decisionmaking processes. The recognition of the diverse values of wetlands is essential to their wise use, and to ensuring that their […]


Wetlands for disaster risk reduction (Policy Brief)

Degradation of wetlands reduces resilience against water-related hazards such as floods, droughts and storm surges. Integrating wetlands as natural infrastructure for disaster risk reduction (DRR), alone or in conjunction with traditional “hard” infrastructure, can mitigate hazards and increase the resilience of local communities and those living across entire river basins or coastal zones.   The Ramsar Secretariat has published its Policy Brief ”Wetlands for disaster risk reduction: Effective choices for resilient […]


Algeria National Wetlands Strategy 2015-2030

Algeria National Wetlands Strategy 2015-2030 Algeria now has 2,375 wetlands, including 50 Ramsar sites of international importance, composed of 2,056 natural wetlands and 319 of artificial wetlands according to the Directorate-General for Forestry (DGF). For better management and valorisation of these sites, the DGF has carried out numerous activities, including inventories and management plans, since the ratification of the Ramsar Convention by Algeria. The DGF has developed the National Wetlands […]


Morocco National Wetlands Strategy 2015-2024

The National Wetlands Strategy was prepared in response to Morocco’s international commitments under international conventions, such as the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).


Assessment of the French Ramsar sites network

The national survey launched in 2016 by the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and the Sea to the Ramsar site managers contributed to the establishment of the national Ramsar network. The synthesis is available here (French version only).
