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Wetlands & People: A Vital Connection

Wetlands & People: A Vital Connection


Wetlands & People: A Vital Connection is a short animated video, which captures the deep rootedness of wetlands in our lives, our souls and our history – and the way in which we humans increasingly threaten them.

By first capturing the diverse pleasures they offer to us in boating, agriculture and fishing, we then are rudely exposed to how we have devalued them and abused them. Cleverly rewinding from the video from this terrible fate, we are taken back through history to see just how this precious resource, Mediterranean coastal wetlands, enrich our environment and our lives.

As we say, Life begins in Wetlands. From Mesopotamia through the ages of Mediterranean history, the video captures the cultural heritage wetlands preserve. With the climate and biodiversity emergencies upon us, preserving and restoring wetlands offers us a critical element to begin to respond. Don’t let wetlands be wiped off your map!

The video is available in different langages, you need to activate the subtitles.

Learn more about coastal wetlands:

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Training on Visitors Management in Protected Wetlands

Training on Visitors Management in Protected Wetlands

The training course on “Visitors Management in Protected Wetlands – Making them the allies of conservation” was held on 24-29 July 2017 at the National Centre of Environmental Education (CENEAM), located in Valsaín (Segovia), Spain.

The main objective of the course was to learn how to better understand, monitor and manage visitors’ use in protected areas and heritage sites, in particular wetlands, in order to maintain the quality of the resource while ensuring a satisfactory visitors experience

More information about the training here:

Watch the video made about the training:

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The MedWet cartoon

The MedWet cartoon

Created at the occasion of the Ramsar COP 12 in Uruguay, the cartoon is ready to be downloaded and shown in each country by any partner willing to show the services that Mediterranean wetlands are providing.

MedWet, with the help of the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory, produced a three minutes cartoon depicting the priceless services that healthy wetlands can provide despite they are facing many challenges in the Mediterranean region.


Wetlands are one of the planet’s greatest and most misunderstood natural resources. Not simply a resource for fresh water, they function as the earth’s regulation system: like a buoy, wetlands protect the land and coasts from the impacts of extreme weather; like a fan, they keep the climate from fluctuating; and, like a sponge, they filter water and store it so that all forms of life can thrive. But today’s consumptive and resource-dependent lifestyles are threatening these priceless services. MedWet developed this cartoon in order to convey the importance of Mediterranean wetlands’ vital services.

To view and/or download the cartoon in English, click here

To view and/or download the cartoon in French, click here

Video from Segolene Royal for MedWetCom12

Video from Segolene Royal for MedWetCom12

The French Ministry of Ecology was the host of the 12th meeting of the Mediterranean Wetlands Committee (MedWet / Com 12) held in Paris from 7 to 10 February 2016 at the Palais de la Porte Doree.
The meeting brought together representatives of governments, national and international organizations, and wetland experts from all Mediterranean countries to adopt the Framework for Action 2016-2030 entitled “Wetlands for sustainable development in the Mediterranean region”.
On this occasion, the Minister Segolene Royal hosted the meeting by this video recalling the commitment of the Ministry to wetlands and the services they provide.
(Video in French)

Closure of the MedWet/Com 12, Mediterranean concert (part 2)

Closure of the MedWet/Com 12, Mediterranean concert (part 2)


Concert tour in the Mediterranean, organized by the School of Mediterranean Music in Paris, under the direction of Wassim Ben Chaouacha, on the occasion of the closing of the MedWet/Com 12, 10th February 2016, in the auditorium of the Palais de la Porte Doree, Paris, France.

Cocktail – Hédi Jouini – Wassim Ben Chaouacha

Closure of the MedWet/Com 12, Mediterranean concert (part 1)

Closure of the MedWet/Com 12, Mediterranean concert (part 1)

Concert tour in the Mediterranean, organized by the School of Mediterranean Music in Paris, under the direction of Wassim Ben Chaouacha, on the occasion of the closing of the MedWet/Com 12, 10th February 2016, in the auditorium of the Palais de la Porte Doree, Paris, France.

Parfum de Gitane – Anouar Brahem – Wassim Ben Chaouacha


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