The Mediterranean Wetlands Initiative (MedWet) is a regional intergovernmental network operating within the framework of the Ramsar Convention and involving also other key actors, dedicated to promoting and supporting multi-stakeholder’ policies and actions on the ground for the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of Mediterranean wetlands. MedWet is based on the collaborative effort of the 27 Mediterranean countries and entities, the Ramsar Secretariat, intergovernmental institutions, international NGOs and national institutions specialising in wetland issues.
MedWet is the official Ramsar Initiative for the conservation and wise use of Mediterranean wetlands.
MedWet is a unique platform to share information on wetlands between governmental institutions, civil society and science in mutual respect and trust.
The Initiative, as established in its Terms of Reference, is composed of five bodies:
- a governing and decision-making body, the Mediterranean Wetlands Committee (MedWet/Com), bringing together all members of the RRI;
- an intercessional governance body, the MedWet Steering Group (MedWet/SG);
- a coordinating body, the MedWet Secretariat;
- an advisory scientific and technical body, the MedWet Scientific and Technical Network (MedWet/STN); and
- a scientific monitoring body, the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory (MWO).
For 30 years, the MedWet Initiative has brought together the Mediterranean community of government representatives, scientists, NGOs and all those who defend our values and address the challenges we face to enhance wetland conservation in the Mediterranean.