Eden: Marshlands of Mesopotamia

The photographic exhibition Eden: Marshlands of Mesopotamia took place in the framework of the Rodos Ecofilms Festival, 20-25 June 2006.
Thirty seven color prints with portraits of Marsh Arabs, village life, wildlife and landscapes taken during a Biodiversity Survey organised in 2005 were displayed in the exhibition. The photographer, Mr Mudhafar Salim participated in the Survey undertaken as part of a Canada-Iraq Marshlands Initiative (CIMI) to restore the wetland.

Monitoring Mediterranean Wetlands: a methodological guide

Brief Description Bringing together the experience of wetland scientists and managers from different Mediterranean countries, this work aims to provide guidance for designing programmes which monitor ecological change in wetlands in the Mediterranean. It describes the steps related to planning a monitoring programme and includes detailed guidelines for the selection of appropriate indicators to monitor specific issues. The first volume starts out with an overview of the types of change […]

13 – Integrated Management of Mediterranean Wetlands

This publication addresses key issues relating to planning and implementing integrated management in the Mediterranean context. Moreover, the first section of the book, focusing on a general overview of the values of wetlands and benefits, richly illustrated with photographs and diagrams make an excellent introduction on the subject of wetlands.


12 – Mediterranean riparian woodlands

The riparian forests are remarkable elements of mediterranean landscapes. Natural forests (Woodland), they concern an important hydrographic long linear network and spread more or less widely from both sides of the river: sometimes in simple afforestation near the banks minors beds, sometimes in real complex and diverse alluvial forests. Their existence depends on the presence of a shallow water table and periodic flooding.


11 – Amphibians and reptiles

This publication highlights the relationship between the status of reptiles and amphibians, the ecosystem to which they belong, and the biophysical and socio-economic factors threatening their survival. In addition, this publication provides access to scientific understanding of the functions, problems and management practices proposed for the conservation of amphibians and reptiles.


10 – Wetlands and hydrology

The purpose of this booklet is to explore the relationship between wetlands and the hydrological cycle.It gives details of the hydrological components of wetlands, the extent to which different wetlands can regulate floods, sustain flows during dry periods and recharge groundwater.It indicates how these ecosystem functions can be interrupted or eliminated by human interference in the hydrology of wetlands. It concludes that sustainable water management is best achieved through judicious utilization of the natural functions of wetlands in conjunction with new technologies for controlling the hydrological cycle.
