Mediterranean coastal wetlands: the land use synthesis

This third thematic note easy to read is a synthesis of the second thematic report: Land cover – spatial dynamics in Mediterranean coastal wetlands from 1975 to 2005.

Between 1975 and 2005 the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory (MWO) carried out a study of the evolution of land use in 214 coastal wetlands across 22 Mediterranean countries, in accordance with the methodology adopted in the European Space Agency’s (ESA) GlobWetland II Project.


Mediterranean wetlands, status, trends and prospects: the synthesis

This thematic note is a synthesis of the first Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory report issued in 2012 “The Mediterranean Wetlands Outlook”.
This report presents the results of a three year analysis of the status and trends of wetlands in the Mediterranean, the pressures they face, and propose the recommendations and actions to follow for their conservation in the future.
