A new toolkit for National Wetlands Inventories

Monitoring the extent and health of wetlands and their status overtime is critical to inform the needed actions by governments and other actors at all levels. The Convention on Wetlands has always recognized the importance of the national wetland inventories (NWI) as a key tool for informing national policies and other measures to achieve the conservation and wise use of wetlands. It is thus a priority in the Convention’s Strategic […]


Environmental water requirements of wetlands and their importance for river basin management in the Mediterranean, including the effects of climate change on natural water flow

We are happy to announce the publication of the Briefing note “Environmental water requirements of wetlands and their importance for river basin management in the Mediterranean, including the effects of climate change on natural water flow”, developed by the Specialist Group on Water (Water-SG) of the Scientific and Technical Network of MedWet (MedWet/STN). Wetlands are vital for human survival. As one of the world’s most productive environments, wetlands are indispensable […]


Coastal wetlands and the climate crisis: Why the Mediterranean needs nature-based solutions

  The Mediterranean is getting hotter – and we need its coastal wetlands more than ever. This publication, produced in the framework of the Off Your Map campaign, explains why these ecosystems matter, particularly when it comes to climate change, and the groundbreaking work that MAVA M3 partners and the Off Your Map campaign, led by MedWet, are building to preserve and restore these vital ecosystems. Download the publication in:


The Governance of Coastal Wetlands in the Mediterranean: A Handbook

We are happy to announce that the publication “the Governance of Coastal Wetlands in the Mediterranean – a Handbook”, by B. Shipman and Ž. Rajković, has recently been published. Despite their benefits for nature and human beings, Mediterranean wetlands, especially those on the coasts, are among the most fragile and threatened ecosystems and are declining at an alarming rate. It is urgent therefore to promote actions to achieve the preservation […]
