The future of Mediterranean wetlands lies in the hands of the younger generations. Educating young people on and engaging them with wetlands and environmental protection as a whole provides them with the awareness, knowledge and skills they need to become environmentally literate, responsible and creative citizens. Through specially tailored games and activities, they gain the necessary knowledge and values to rethink and change current patterns of action and gain a good understanding of the interrelationships between human well being and healthy ecosystems.

The MedWet “Wetland School” is a user friendly website that contains all the games, material and activities MedWet has developed for young people. These activities have been initiated in close collaboration with Office de l’Environnement de Corse, Agence de l’Eau, Conseil d’Architecture, d’Urbanisme, et d’Environnement de Haute-Corse and DREAL , Corsica who developed the first educational tool ‘ A l’écoute des zones humides’.

The MedWet “Wetland School”  is dedicated to teachers, educators, students, wetland managers and any person working on or interested in environmental education, specifically related to wetlands.