Brief Description
This booklet has a twin focus, on the one hand exploring the role of wetlands in nature’s cycle and on the other considering the importance of wetlands for man.A high number of examples provided to illustrate the key points in the book makes it overall a very accessible reading. One key point that emerges is that wetlands are part of wider hydrological systems and so the mechanisms of a wetland need to be looked at in the context of the drainage basin.Another key point is that not all wetlands perform all functions, so that benefits derived from the natural functions of wetlands will similarly vary. Wetlands are also the backdrop for economic activities and important stores of biodiversity. However, evaluating the benefits man derives from wetlands presents a number of challenges. The last part of the book presents the state of the debate on the financial evaluation of wetland services for the time the booklet was published.
Reference: Skinner J, Zalewski S (1995) Functions et values of Mediterranean wetlands A J Crivelli, J Jalbert (eds) Conservation of Mediterranean wetlands n°2, Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat, Arles (France)
ISBN: 2-910368-02-5
Languages: English, French