Environmental water requirements of wetlands and their importance for river basin management in the Mediterranean, including the effects of climate change on natural water flow

We are happy to announce the publication of the Briefing note “Environmental water requirements of wetlands and their importance for river basin management in the Mediterranean, including the effects of climate change on natural water flow”, developed by the Specialist Group on Water (Water-SG) of the Scientific and Technical Network of MedWet (MedWet/STN). Wetlands are vital for human survival. As one of the world’s most productive environments, wetlands are indispensable […]


Water in Mediterranean wetlands: environmental flows for Mediterranean wetlands

  This technical leaflet was produced by the Specialist Group on water (MedWet/STN/Water-SG). It is about the environmental flows for Mediterranean wetlands and highlights the important role of wetlands as key providers of water. The Water Specialist Group is one of the five Specialist Groups that make up the MedWet/STN. It comprises 10 experts from 7 countries in complementary disciplines and practices, who advise on different aspects of water resources […]


Mediterranean wetlands inventory: Improving wetland knowledge for a more effective management and conservation

  This technical leaflet was produced by the Specialist Group on inventories (MedWet/STN/inventories-SG). It shows the importance of wetland inventories, their status in the Mediterranean countries, and the initiatives to support the wetland inventories in the region. The Inventories-SG is one of the five Specialist Groups that make up the MedWet/STN. It comprises 14 experts in complementary disciplines and practices related to wetland inventories in the Mediterranean region. The mission […]


The ecosystem services of Mediterranean wetlands: The benefits provided by wetlands to people are under pressure

  This technical leaflet was produced by the Specialist Group on ecosystems services (MedWet/STN/Ecosystem services-SG). It highlights the different precious benefits that wetlands provide to nature and humans. These benefits are also essential in advancing towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Ecosystem Services Specialist Group is one of the five Specialist Groups that makes up the MedWet/STN. It comprises experts who have in-depth knowledge and experience on wetlands and […]


Biodiversity in the Mediterranean wetlands: Unique species and ecosystems under threat

  This technical leaflet was produced by the Specialist Group on biodiversity (MedWet/STN/Biodiversity-SG). It showcases the status of biodiversity in the Mediterranean and the threats the species are facing in the region. The Biodiversity Specialist Group is one of the five Specialist Groups constituting the MedWet/STN. It is made up of 15 experts from 13 countries in a wide variety of disciplines, who contribute to different aspects related to biodiversity. […]


Climate change and Mediterranean wetlands

The role of wetlands in climate change adaptation is under appreciated This technical leaflet was produced by the Specialist Group on climate change (MedWet/STN/Climate-SG). It focuses on the role played by wetlands in fighting climate change, as well as the effects of climate change on these ecosystems. The Climate Change Specialist Group is one of the five Specialist Groups constituting the MedWet/ STN. It is made up of 9 experts from […]
