First thematic report- Biodiversity: status and trends of species in Mediterranean wetlands

biodiv thematiccollectionweb“Biodiversity: status and trends of species in Mediterranean wetlands” is the first thematic report published by the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory (MWO).

This issue is dedicated to biodiversity and provides in-depth knowledge on the conservation status of species dependent on wetlands in the Mediterranean basin, the threats, the consequences of their depletion on human well-being, and solutions to reverse the negative trends.

The results are illustrated with case studies of five key sites in the Mediterranean: Lake Ickeul (Tunisia), the Camargue (France), the Prespa Lakes (Albania, FYR of Macedonia and Greece), Gediz Delta (Turkey) and Aammiq marshes (Lebanon).

The report is available in English and in French.

Cover photo credits: L. Chazee/ Tour du Valat
