Partnership for integrated management of water resources for nature and people in the Mediterranean

In spite of providing important ecosystem services for free, especially those related to water, Mediterranean wetlands suffer from human activities that lead to theoverexploitationofthisnatural resource, such as water abstraction, unsustainable agriculture, hydropower, and water storage facilities.

To tackle the problem of unsustainable water use and management, seven international organizations have started a partnership in the Mediterranean Basin for achieving change on the ground and to build capacity in the region.
This partnership is funded by the MAVA Foundation. The partners work together with local partners in pilot river basins in the southern and eastern Mediterranean, and in an overarching regional project.

The main objective of the partnership is to reduce the impact of water abstraction and the key sectors driving this (agriculture in particular) and of unsustainable use on the biodiversity and functioning of wetland ecosystems in the Mediterranean.


This work was carried out by MedWet as part of the portfolio of Mediterranean wetland projects.

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