Location: Albania, Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Mediterranean Asian Country (Lebanon), Mediterranean African Country (tbd)


27 months (January 2024 – March 2026)


  • Improve the integrated and sustainable management of Mediterranean wetlands
  • Empower local communities for having an active role in managing Mediterranean wetlands with a wise and just approach


  • Develop a web platform to map Wetland Contracts in the Mediterranean and facilitate networking and exchange of experiences.
  • Set up a Mediterranean Community or Practice on wetland governance, focused on the capitalization of the approach and experience of the Wetland Contract.
  • Advocate policy-makers about the role of Wetland Contracts for the implementation of EU common challenges regarding climate change, desertification, biodiversity and local development.
  • Seed the concept of Wetland Contract in Mediterranean neighbouring non-EU Countries (Africa and Asia) for possible uptake and development in the next future.

Expected results:

  • Reinforce Wetland Contract processes for the integrated and sustainable management of Mediterranean wetlands.
  • Capitalize the approach, methodology and experience of Wetland Contracts in the Mediterranean.
  • Facilitate the acknowledgment of Wetland Contracts as a place-based tool for moving from policies to action in implementing Mediterranean policies and common challenges at wetland scale.
  • Promote the replicability and transferability of Wetland Contracts in the Mediterranean.

Role of MedWet:

Technical coordination of the project, leading the following specific activities: mapping of Wetland Contracts in the Mediterranean, set-up of the Community of Practice, advocacy to policy makers for the acknowledgment of Wetland Contracts role in the Mediterranean, transferring the Wetland Contract approach in two pilot African and Asian Countries bordering the Mediterranean, organizing the 1st Mediterranean Forum on Wetland Governance.


Giancarlo Gusmaroli, from MedWet, at a WE GO COOP meeting.


Achievements so far:

  • Project Kick-off.
  • Communication kit release.
  • Organization of a Capacity Building seminar and Kick-Off meeting of the CoP (Seville, Spain, October 1st-2nd, 2024).
  • Coordination with Interreg EuroMed – Natural Heritage Mission activities.


Interreg EuroMed Programme: https://interreg-euro-med.eu/en/

  • Project total budget: € 999,784.00
  • Project Interreg EuroMed funding: € 799,827.20


  • Anatoliki (Greece) – Lead Partner
  • MedWet (France)
  • Roma Tre University – Department of Architecture (Italy)
  • Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (Spain)
  • Vransko Lake National Park (Croatia)
  • PPNEA (Albania)
  • RCDI (Portugal)



MedWet contact:
Giancarlo Gusmaroli