10 – L’hydrologie des zones humides

Le but de cette brochure est d’explorer la relation entre les zones humides et le cycle hydrologique. Il donne des détails sur les composantes hydrologiques des zones humides, la mesure dans laquelle différentes zones humides peuvent réguler les inondations, soutenir les écoulements pendant les périodes sèches et recharger les eaux souterraines.


9 – Les salins, entre terre et mer

Description Les salins font partie du patrimoine culturel de la Méditerranée. Depuis des temps immémoriaux, la production de sel a été obtenue par l’évaporation naturelle de l’eau salée de la mer, des lagunes côtières ou intérieures. Il y a une analogie étroite avec l’agriculture: une activité basée sur la récolte des ressources naturelles, la production de sel est très répandue en Méditerranée où les étés longs, chauds et secs conduisent […]


7 – Conservation des poissons d’eau douce

Brief Description In much of the Mediterranean area, where the climate is hot and dry, freshwater is in short supply and fish and humans are in competition for this scarce resource. Improved standards of living in most countries and a rise in human population have combined to make increasing demands on freshwater resources and have resulted in conflicting interests in available water.Because of such demands, fish in southern Europe where […]


6 – Végétation aquatique émergente

Brief Description Emergent aquatic plants dominate the landscape of many Mediterranean wetlands: the cast reed beds of common reed in deltas and around the edges of freshwater lakes; huge stretches of glasswort on the limits of salt and brackish marshes. The purpose of this booklet is to provide an understanding of the ecological functioning of systems dominated by emergent aquatic plants.To draw together information necessary for decisions on the management […]


5 – L’enjeu de l’eau

Brief Description The purpose of this booklet is to explore the growing demand for water in the Mediterranean and the increasing pressures on the natural hydrological environment.It looks for instance at how natural ecosystems preserve the hydrology of river systems, storing and recycling freshwater.It asks how far our expectations for both ample water supply and environmental protection can be reconciled; how far maximizing use of scarce water can be consistent […]


2 – Fonctions et valeurs des zones humides méditerranéennes

Brief Description This booklet has a twin focus, on the one hand exploring the role of wetlands in nature’s cycle and on the other considering the importance of wetlands for man.A high number of examples provided to illustrate the key points in the book makes it overall a very accessible reading. One key point that emerges is that wetlands are part of wider hydrological systems and so the mechanisms of […]
