Wishes from the MedWet Secretariat

The MedWet Secretariat send to all the Mediterranean wetlands community its very best wishes for the end of the year festivities and takes this occasion to renew its strong commitment to […]
The MedWet Secretariat send to all the Mediterranean wetlands community its very best wishes for the end of the year festivities and takes this occasion to renew its strong commitment to […]
The authors quantified the amount of existing wetlands in the Mediterranean region as well as their losses in the past century. An estimated 18.5±3.5 million ha of wetlands existed in […]
L’association Ramsar France et l’Office de l’environnement de la Corse ont conjointement organisé le 6ème séminaire des animateurs Ramsar en France du 12 au 14 novembre à Ajaccio, en Corse. […]
The DASHI project (Dinaric Arc Sustainable Hydropower Initiative) was launched in 2011 by WWF Mediterranean Programme Office (MedPO) in order to reduce adverse impacts of hydropower development in the Western […]
After attending the International Conference on the Sustainable Development of the Lower Jordan Valley (see article), the MedWet Senior Advisor Nejib Benessaiah has been invited to visit the Sebkha of […]
Invited by the Swedish International Water Institute (SIWI), the MedWet Senior Advisor Nejib Benessaiah attended from 10 to 12 November the International Conference on the Sustainable Development of the Jordan Valley. This event was organized in […]