The MedWet exhibition “Our wetlands our people”
MedWet organised an exhibition of thirty colourful posters on the theme “Our wetlands, our people” for the occasion of the Ramsar COP12 event. Celebrating the beauty of Mediterranean wetlands and their people, the exhibition presents each of the 27 MedWet countries and entities, and posters are also reproduced in postcards with a small text behind explaining the positive relation between wetlands and people in English and French.
The exhibition is now available upon request to be travelling all over the Mediterranean countries.
(credit Leandro Borba, OCC)
Mediterranean Wetlands: generous ecosystems that are greatly threatened
Launching its report « Mediterranean wetlands – Outlook – 2012 », the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory has produced a 10 minute-film showing the main results and key messages on this generous ecosystem that is threatened by human activities. The film was broadcast during the International symposium on water and wetlands, held in Agadir, Morocco, in February 2012.
Tags: ecosystem, écosystème, enjeux, Mediterranean, méditerranée, menaces, observatoire, Observatory, Outlook report, perspectives, services, Wetlands, zone humide