The MedWet cartoon
Created at the occasion of the Ramsar COP 12 in Uruguay, the cartoon is ready to be downloaded and shown in each country by any partner willing to show the services that Mediterranean wetlands are providing.
MedWet, with the help of the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory, produced a three minutes cartoon depicting the priceless services that healthy wetlands can provide despite they are facing many challenges in the Mediterranean region.
Wetlands are one of the planet’s greatest and most misunderstood natural resources. Not simply a resource for fresh water, they function as the earth’s regulation system: like a buoy, wetlands protect the land and coasts from the impacts of extreme weather; like a fan, they keep the climate from fluctuating; and, like a sponge, they filter water and store it so that all forms of life can thrive. But today’s consumptive and resource-dependent lifestyles are threatening these priceless services. MedWet developed this cartoon in order to convey the importance of Mediterranean wetlands’ vital services.
To view and/or download the cartoon in English, click here
To view and/or download the cartoon in French, click here
Tags: Les dessins animés