This section assists the user in entering, storing and analyzing the data recorded using the MedWet methodology for wetland inventory.
The MedWet Database was created to enter, store and analyse the data recorded by applying the MedWet inventory method. The MedWet Database is a mirror of the proposed MedWet Data Forms, which means that all data categories included in the Data Forms have corresponding fields in the Database.
We suggest that you use the MedWet WIS database which is the most recent and functional one. Two manuals to help the user use the MedWet WIS are also available.
MedWet WIS database (2008)
Developed by: the Greek Biotope Wetland Centre (EKBY).
The present MedWet system represents the latest stage in the program of MedWet for inventorying activity which is improved in its operation and enhanced to include socioeconomic and cultural aspects of wetlands, the Water Framework Directive requirements, inventory based indicators, the Pan-Mediterranean Wetland Inventory and Earth Observation techniques.
The MedWet Inventory data Sharing Protocol
(Fitoka E, Kapanidis Y, Tomàs-Vives P, Katsaros P and Liaska A)