The Status of Wetland Inventories in the Mediterranean Region (1995)

Brief Description

Wetland Inventories encompassing a full description of the location, extent, type, functions values and threats of all the wetlands in an area, are a pre-requisite for any concerted wetland conservation programme.  They provide a basis for determining priorities for comparing between regions or countries for establishing planning frameworks and for measuring the success of conservations actions. For this reason, developing a comprehensive wetland inventory and monitoring programme has been a high priority for the MedWet Initiative.

The current reports provide a comprehensive overview of the status of wetland inventories in the Mediterranean region, including a comparison of the methodologies used. It has been compiled partly from reports prepared by national experts from most of the countries in the basin and sets a baseline of knowledge from which needs can be identified and more comprehensive inventories planned.

Hecker N and   Vives P T
Reference: Hecker N and Tomas Vives P (eds) (1995) The Status of Wetland Inventories in the Mediterranean Region MedWet Publication / IWRB Publication 38

ISBN 1 900442 00 0
Languages: English, French

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