Saltpans Initiative for coastal wetland conservation and restoration in the Mediterranean Region

Saltpans are often part of larger wetland complexes and host many flora and fauna species that have become increasingly dependent on this manmade landscape. They are also home to artisanal practices of salt extraction that are mutually beneficial for both humans and nature. But saltpans are now often mismanaged or simply abandoned.

As part of the its strategy for Mediterranean coastal wetlands, MAVA Foundation is supporting the project “Overarching activities addressing Wetland Conservation in the Mediterranean Region’’ led by BirdLife International.

The project addresses the threats affecting three pilot sites: Ghar el Melah (Tunisia), Oristano (Italy), and Ulcinj Salina (Montenegro). It also seeks to minimize the impact at other key Mediterranean saltpans in need of better management, restoration and monitoring.



This work was carried out by MedWet as part of the portfolio of Mediterranean wetland projects.

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