Report of World Wetlands Day 2023 in the Mediterranean Region

Since 2020, MedWet has been developing the World Wetlands Day campaign across the Mediterranean region, with the support of the French Biodiversity Agency (OFB). Learn more here.


The report of World Wetlands Day 2023 in the Mediterranean is now available, providing an overview of this year’s notable achievements. Here are some key figures that highlight the magnitude of this event:

  • 684 organizing structures worked diligently to make this day memorable.
  • Across the Mediterranean region, a remarkable total of 1366 events were organized, offering unique opportunities for awareness.
  • The combined efforts successfully reached and sensitized an impressive total of 57,200 individuals.

These figures underscore the crucial importance of raising awareness about Mediterranean wetlands. We are delighted to see that numerous individuals had the opportunity to discover and appreciate the exceptional value of these ecosystems.




Several elements were identified for the success of the campaign:

  • A regional network of actors: national focal points and communication, education, awareness and participation (CEPA), Mediterranean Ramsar Site managers, and nearly 400 non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
  • Providing communications tools and registration forms in the languages of the Mediterranean countries.
  • Issuing a call for projects to support local activities.
  • MedWet’s ability to cooperate with the Ramsar Secretariat and the Ramsar France association.


To delve into the details and outcomes of this day, we invite you to peruse the complete report. Together, we can continue to advocate for the preservation of these invaluable ecosystems for future generations.

Download the report: World Wetlands Day 2023 in the Mediterranean.


Earlier versions:

World Wetlands Day 2022 in the Mediterranean.
World Wetlands Day 2021 in the Mediterranean.
World Wetlands Day 2019/2020 in the Mediterranean.


Isabelle Perroud, MedWet