Mediterranean wetlands inventory: Improving wetland knowledge for a more effective management and conservation


This technical leaflet was produced by the Specialist Group on inventories (MedWet/STN/inventories-SG). It shows the importance of wetland inventories, their status in the Mediterranean countries, and the initiatives to support the wetland inventories in the region.

The Inventories-SG is one of the five Specialist Groups that make up the MedWet/STN. It comprises 14 experts in complementary disciplines and practices related to wetland inventories in the Mediterranean region. The mission of the Inventories-SG is to contribute to the development of a harmonized and comprehensive database on the inventories of Mediterranean wetlands across all MedWet countries.

The term “wetland inventory” follows the Ramsar definition, which is to locate and delineate wetlands and to define their main ecological characteristics (baseline inventory).

To know more about the MedWet/STN and its Specialist Groups :


Download the leaflet from the links below:
