The Gulf of Oristano, in Sardinia (Italy), boasts 7,700 hectares of Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Sites), which stretch along 200 km of coastline from Capo Mannu to the lagoon of Marceddì. These wetlands are rich in biodiversity and provide significant economic, social and cultural benefits to the local population.
The Maristanis project is aimed at defining an integrated management system of these wetlands that can serve as a model for other coastal regions of the Mediterranean. The project is co-financed by the MAVA Foundation and coordinated by the MEDSEA Foundation, in col- laboration with the Marine Protected Area ”Sinis Peninsula – Mal di Ventre Island” and the FLAG “PESCANDO”.
This work was carried out by MedWet as part of the portfolio of Mediterranean wetland projects.
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