We are happy to announce the publication of the Briefing note “Environmental water requirements of wetlands and their importance for river basin management in the Mediterranean, including the effects of climate change on natural water flow”, developed by the Specialist Group on Water (Water-SG) of the Scientific and Technical Network of MedWet (MedWet/STN).
Wetlands are vital for human survival. As one of the world’s most productive environments, wetlands are indispensable for countless benefits or ecosystem services. These benefits range from freshwater supply, food, building materials and biodiversity, to flood control, groundwater recharge and climate change mitigation.
Nowadays, with the human population increasing rapidly and climate change representing a further challenge, there is an emerging demand for improving and consolidating basic and applied knowledge to address wetlands issues with a long-term and integrated vision.
This Briefing note introduces a cognitive framework for the quantity, quality and timing of water flows required to sustain wetlands in the Mediterranean region. The aim of this note is to support the conservation and the sustainable wise use of Mediterranean wetlands, in accordance with the implementation of the Ramsar Convention.
This document includes both theoretical and practical information, reporting on specific case studies from the Mediterranean region, and provides tailor-made management recommendations to support and serve both site managers and policy makers to assist them in developing and implementing adaptation strategies in the face of climate change.
For more information about the Briefing note, please contact Stefano Barchiesi, Chair of the Water-SG, at stefano.barchiesi@gmail.com
Know more about the MedWet/STN and its Specialist Groups:
Flavio Monti, manager of the MedWet/STN
For bibliographic purposes this document may be cited as follows:
MedWet. 2020. Environmental water requirements of wetlands and their importance for river basin management in the Mediterranean, including the effects of climate change on natural water flow.
Download the briefing note from the link below: