6 – Aquatic emergent vegetation

Brief Description

Emergent aquatic plants dominate the landscape of many Mediterranean wetlands: the cast reed beds of common reed in deltas and around the edges of freshwater lakes; huge stretches of glasswort on the limits of salt and brackish marshes.
The purpose of this booklet is to provide an understanding of the ecological functioning of systems dominated by emergent aquatic plants.To draw together information necessary for decisions on the management of the wetlands around the Mediterranean, which are becoming increasingly artificial.To help managers to obtain the desired plant communities, to control invasive ones, In the current context of declining agricultural production in the European Union, to contribute to the debate about possible future uses of former marshes, drained during the height of agricultural production and to help with the restoration of  wetlands.

Reference: Mesléard F, Perennou C (1996) Aquatic emergent vegetation. Ecology and management A J Crivelli, J Jalbert (eds) Conservation of Mediterranean wetlands n°6, Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat, Arles (France)

ISBN: 2-910-368-10-6
Languages: English, French
