
Monitoring & Indicators

This section assists the user in planning a monitoring programme, including guidelines for the selection of appropriated indicators to monitor specific problems.

In order to design programmes which monitor ecological change in wetlands in the Mediterranean, we propose the following manual.

Monitoring wetland ecological change

This manual was designed to help users design programmes which monitor ecological change in wetlands in the Mediterranean.


Monitoring Mediterranean Wetlands

(Tomàs Vives P)

Also available in French

As an end product to these data recording exercises, users may wish to undertake statistical calculations and derive indicators for status and trends relating to wetland area, water quality, threats, bird populations and wetland extent covered by Ramsar designation.


The Indicators Module

(Fitoka E, Chrysopolitou V and Talaoussi V)

Download of the dataforms and appendices related to this Module (English):
Status and Trends in Wetland Extend Data Form>
Trends in Water Quality Data Form>

Trends in Threats Data Form>
Status and Trends of Wetland Bird Populations Data Form>

Coverage of the Wetland Area By Designated Ramsar Sites Data Form>
Appendices to Modules of the MedWet series>