> Implementing a simple or detailed inventory of wetland sites and their catchments.
This section assists the user to record the relevant information for a simple or detailed inventory of wetland sites and their catchments through manuals and data forms.
An inventory method specific for wetlands was first developed during the MedWet 1 project (1993-1996) and tested with positive results in a number of countries and more locally, at certain sites. These first MedWet Inventory tools were published in 1996 in five volumes of guidance, data entry forms, the habitat description system and an electronic database.
Over the last decade increased effort has been made to promote the MedWet inventory method and tools and carry out inventory activities through big or small projects led by MedWet partners including MedWet 2, MedWetCoast, Albanian Wetland Inventory, MedWet/Regions, MedWet/SUDOE, MedWet/ CODDE. Particularly over the last decade, some ten countries (Portugal, Greece, Albania, Slovenia, FYROM, Morocco, Croatia, Serbia, some regions of Italy, Spain and France) have applied the MedWet inventory method and used the successive versions of the MedWet Database (MWD) for storing their national data on wetlands.
The reference manual
Provides a thorough presentation of the inventory process and gives useful guidance and advices to users who are going to organize a wetland inventory project.

Mediterranean Wetland Inventory: A Reference Manual
(Costa LT, Farinha JC, Hecker N, and Tomàs Vives P)
Also available in French
Recording data of wetland sites and their catchments

Mediterranean Wetland Inventory: Data Recording
(Hecker N, Costa LT, Farinha JC and Tomàs Vives P)
Also available in French

Manual para a recolha de dados sobre Zonas húmidas
(Farinha JC, Carvalho S, Lavinas C, Fonseca E, Araújo PR, Silva EP, Viñales Blasco MJ, Morant M and Filiberto Fons I)
Available only in Portuguese

The Catchment module & the Site Module
(Farinha JC, Fonseca E, Araújo PR, Carvalho S. Lavinas C, Silva EP, Kouvelis S, Viñales Blasco MJ and Morant M , 2008)
Download of the dataforms and appendices related to this Module |
Catchment Area data Form> General data Form> Complementary Data Form> Habitat Data Form> Flora data Form> Fauna Data Form> Activities and Impacts Data Form> Cultural Values Data Form> Socioeconomics data Form> Meteorology Data Form> References data Form> Appendices to Modules of the MedWet Series> |
Recording wetland cultural features
This tool is an initial step in integrating cultural aspects in the process of comprehensive wetland management.

Inventory Manual for Wetland Cultural Values
(Viñales Blasco MJ, Filiberto Fons I and Morant M)
Also available in Spanish & Portuguese