Webinar on « Mediterranean Wetlands and MPAs Governance experiences from TUNE UP and the MBPC – capitalizing on best practices and building a stronger network »

On January 18th, 2021 from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm (CET), MedWet and MEDSEA Foundation, representing the Interreg Med-funded TUNE UP project, with the support of the Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection Community (MBPC) and its Working Group 3 on Integrated Ecosystem Monitoring and Management coordinated by Plan Bleu, ETC-UMA and the Ministry of ecology, spatial planning and urbanism of Montenegro, will organize a webinar on « Mediterranean Wetlands and MPAs Governance experiences from TUNE UP and the MBPC – capitalizing on best practices and building a stronger network ».



This event is an opportunity to learn more about the governance approach developed through different projects funded by the Interreg Med Programme and will address key questions for their capitalization and networking.

This will be a unique opportunity to foster effective governance in Mediterranean wetlands and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs),  in order to empower environmentally aware local communities and to improve governance processes.

If you work with/for a Marine Protected Area or protected wetlands (e.g. development agencies, territorial institutions, MPA managing authorities, research centers, foundations, Med networks, Universities), you can learn from TUNE UP and the MBPC experiences in terms of Governance.

Please register by 15th January 2022 to attend the webinar.

The link to connect will be sent to registered participants 24hrs prior to the meeting.


For more information or any question, please contact:

Pauline Malterre, Policy Officer at MedWet: malterre@medwet.org

Piera Pala, Environmental Lawyer at MEDSEA Foundation: pierapala@medseafoundation.org

Gloria Lazaro, Programme Officer at Plan Bleu: glazaro@planbleu.org


Registration Link: