Now online: Documents of the First Meeting of the MedWet Steering Group, 7 December, Gland , Switzerland

The MedWet Steering Group held its first meeting o­n 7 December in Gland, Switzerland. Delegates to the meeting discussed operational issues regarding MedWet including the Terms of Reference, legal status and workplan of the Initiative as well as budgetary issues and Rules of procedure of the Group. Participants agreed to prepare and review a framework document for the evaluation of MedWet by February 2007 in order to report to the Mediterranean Wetlands Committee its latest proposal at its Eighth Meeting. As part of its work the Steering Group also agreed that the Eighth Meeting of the Mediterranean Weltands Committee will be held in Rome, Italy o­n 10/11/12 June 2007.  Accordingly a Memorandum of Understanding between the Italian ministry and Ramsar for holding the next MedWet/Com meeting Italy was signed at the meeting.
The report and documents of the meeting are available here


The MedWet Steering Group was established following the decision of the Mediterranean Wetlands Committee in its Extraordinary Meeting, Tirana, Albania 11-12 June 2006.  MedWet relies o­n the Steering Group to take operational decisions and solve problems in the implementation of the Commitee’s decisions between its meetings. O­ne representative of each of the regions of Africa, Middle East and Europe is appointed to serve for three years at a time as member of the Group.

Updated on 1/4/2007 3:32:55 PM.