• Lead Organisation: Attica Region.
  • Other Partners: EKBY, Center for Technological Research of Crete (CTRC), Ministry of Environment Energy & Climate Change (YPEKA).
  • Brief Description: The project constitutes one of the 6 pilot vulnerability studies of the SEE strategic project “ORIENTGATE: a structured network for integration of cli-mate knowledge into policy and territorial planning” which has been submitted un-der the coordination of the Euro Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC). ORIENTGATE has been designed to foster concerted and coordinated climate adaptation actions across the SEE region. The Greek pilot vulnerability study will support the territorial planning and policy formation in the Region of Attica in regard to the effects of climate change on wetland ecosystems.
  • Time schedule: 2012 – 2014 (30 months)
  • Current status: Results of the second step evaluation of the SEE 3rd call strategic projects were announced in 2012. Currently wetlands in Attica are being mapped and processing of meteorological data has began for the assessment of a dryness index. The first results will be available during autumn 2013 and will be presented during a conference on climate change in November 2013 organised by the Attica Periphery.