• Lead organisation: WWF MedPO.
  • Other partners: MAVA, Wetlands International, IUCN Med, Tour du Valat, MedWet.
  • Brief description: The Ramsar Convention encourages the participation of civil society in the conservation and wise use of wetlands. To this end, the project will establish the MedWet Civil Society Network in six Mediterranean countries of the Western Balkans and North Africa and strengthen the capacity of its members to promote the conservation and wise use of ecologically valuable wetlands currently under threat. The members of the Network will play the role of MedWet resource people in their river basins by gaining knowledge and skills on a broad range of technical/managerial/networking subjects.
  • Time schedule: 2012-2014
  • Current status: Planning meeting organised on 8-9 October 2011 in Rabat in the framework of the MAVA North African Partners Meeting. Project concept has been accepted by the MAVA Foundation and must now be refined by the project partners. A preparation and information workshop for Tunisian NGOs has been organised by WWF Tunis with the participation of the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory (MWO). Project concept was presented in the Agadir Symposium, in February 2012.