- Lead organisation: Albania, FYR of Macedonia, Greece, European Union.
- Other partners: MedWet, local Municipalities, Society for the Protection of Prespa.
- Brief description: Concerns the transboundary collaboration of three Balkan states for the conservation of the Prespa Lakes region and the sustainable use of its re-sources, for the benefit of both inhabitants and nature.
- Time schedule: Initiated on 2 February 2000 and on-going.
- Current status: Formal Agreement approved by EU Council and ratified by the FYR of Macedonia Parliament. Albania is already bound to the Agreement by the signature of its Minister. Greece has not completed its internal ratification procedure. Three national NGOs, from the three countries sharing the Prespa lakes, MES (FYR of Macedonia), PPNEA (Albania) and the SPP (Greece) have established Prespa Net – a network of environmental NGOs for Prespa. Prespa Net aims to bring civil society in the three countries together to combine efforts in fulfilling their roles in protecting transboundary Prespa; in a way that the International Agreement for the Prespa Park will provide for state institutions to do so at the higher, formal level. On 2nd February 2013 the network released its first joint press release, calling for the ratification of the International Agreement by Greece, the only state left to ratify. And on 2 April 2013 the network announced its formal establishment and a signing of an agreement of cooperation between its members.