- Lead organisation: Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
- Other partners: 24 partners and 16 countries
- Funding instrument: European Commission (FP7-ENV.2009. Collaborative Project-Large scale integrating projects).
- Brief description: The main objective of PEGASO is to build on existing capacities and develop common new approaches to support integrated policies for the coastal and marine aspects of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basins. It is also assisting the implementation of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Protocol for the Mediterranean, signed in 2008 under the auspices of the Barcelona Convention. Main achievements are the ICZM-ecosystem based Governance platform and the building of tools (SDI, indicators, LEAC, scenarios, socio-economic valuations, etc). Most of the studies areas (CASES) are wetlands. Proposal for opening the ICZM network to the water and wetlands networks, sharing data and building the SDI together and testing PEGASO tools on all interested wetlands.
- Time schedule: 2010-2014.
- Current status: • Development of a core set of indicators in measuring the implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) policies and programmes. This core set addresses the specific requirement of Article 27 of the ICZM Protocol to ‘define coastal management indicators’ and ‘establish and maintain up-to-date assessments of the use and management of coastal zones’ for the Mediterranean.
• Organisation of PEGASO’s workshop “Envisioning the Future – Workshop for the Mediterranean Region” (Arles, France, Nov. 2012) helped take stock of progress on ICZM so far.
• Participatory workshop on a cross-cutting approach to coastal management: Plan Bleu, Ifremer,Tour du Valat, Rhone Mediterranean and Corsica Water Agency (as member of the PEGASO End User Committee), in collaboration with the Mohammed V-University Agdal Rabat organised a participatory workshop to share experiences and discuss the progress achieved so far in the pilot CASE of Bouches du Rhone (France) and Al Hoceima Bay (Morocco).
• Several PEGASO CASEs (pilot sites) are testing and validating the assessment tools developed during the project at different spatial scales. At the moment, all three CASEs in the Black Sea have started work on the methodological factsheets and indicators. The Guria Coastal region (Georgia) is adapting the ICZM progress indicator for use at national level, while the Sevastopol CASE (Ukraine) has gained useful experience with the water quality and pollution indicators in particular.
• Mohammed V University-Agdal hosted the 3rd PEGASO General Meeting in Rabat (Morocco) on 19-22 March 2013. The partners discussed the progress made on the project. A number of special sessions also introduced participants to a novel scenario-building and decision support tool, the Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) analysis. The rest of the workshop focused on the SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure) map viewer functionalities and capabilities for stakeholders and end users, and their integration into the Web portal. It also presented the role of the future Atlas within PEGASO and the ICZM platform and structure. - Access project website