- Lead organisation: Agence de l’Eau Rhône-Méditerranée (France)
- Other partners: Tour du Valat, regional Conservancy Trusts of PACA, LR, RA, Bourgogne and Franche-Comté (regional NGOs), Universities.
- Brief description: The main objective is to test & develop methods and tools that could form the backbone of a future Observatory of wetlands of the Rhône-Méditerranée catchment, to be created in 2013 or beyond. One key component where Tour du Valat is involved is the use of satellite imagery to calculate some of the indicators that are common to those developed by the MWO.
- Time schedule: 2011-2012 (1st phase); 2nd phase from 2013 onwards.
- Current status: First year of test on field and space data completed; methods adjusted for the 2012 2nd round of tests. RhoMeO partners met in Lyon, in December 2012, to select the indicators with which to calculate agricultural and urban pressures.
An ongoing trans-regional report is being drafted on the RhoMeO project’s 1st phase (large-scale monitoring component), taking stock of 2 years of tests to monitor wetlands throughout the Rhône basin using satellite imagery and large-scale, public databases on agriculture, topography and urban features.
The next – and final – partners’ meeting has been scheduled for September 24, 2013. - Access the project website