• Lead organisation: European Space Agency
  • Other partners: JENOPTIK, KEYOBS, DLR DFD, EKBY, MWO, MedWet, Terrasphere, I-MAGE CONSULT
  • Brief description: The GWII project aims at using Earth Observation and GIS technologies to better monitor the status and trends of wetlands and as a consequence improve our knowledge base and management capacities. The pilot work of the GWII information system is taking place in the South and East Mediterranean in 200 sites in order to produce a number of wetland related geo-information maps and indicators. Overall, it aims to contribute to the setup of a Global Wetlands Observing System (G-WOS), as decided in the Ramsar COP10.
  • Time schedule: 2010-2013 (possible extension)
  •  Current status: The scientific validation of the methodology is in progress. The major part of the nearly 2000 maps and indicators for the Southern and Eastern part of the Mediterranean is finished and will be published via WebGIS. The GW-II software toolboxes have been delivered to the 10 partner countries in North Africa and the Middle East and to TdV/MWO (Tour du Valat/Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory). Training sessions for the users took place in the summer of 2012. Currently TdV/MWO is using the GW-II toolbox and methodology to extend the mapping to all countries around the Mediterranean.
  • Access the project website