GlobWetlandII (ongoing)
The GWII project aims at using Earth Observation and GIS technologies to better monitor the status and trends of wetlands and as a consequence improve our knowledge base and management capacities.
Read more →Improving the knowledge on Mediterranean wetland functions, services and values, as well as on their status and trends
The GWII project aims at using Earth Observation and GIS technologies to better monitor the status and trends of wetlands and as a consequence improve our knowledge base and management capacities.
Read more →This Mediterranean programme launched in 2008 under the MedWet initiative is a management tools to monitor and assess the status and trends of wetlands in the region, as well as to analyse and explain the causes of changes. The aim of the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory is to help decision-making towards improved wetland conservation and management.
Read more →The main objective is to test & develop methods and tools that could form the backbone of a future Observatory of wetlands of the Rhône-Méditerranée catchment.
Read more →The study aims at assessing the status and trends of leisure and educational roles of wetlands.
Read more →The project falls in the Land Monitoring Service of the pan-European Land Cover component. and it regards the mapping of Wetlands, as areas covered permanently or temporarily of surface water consider-ing seasonal changes too, Permanent Water Bodies and Permanent Grasslands, at a spatial resolution of 1 ha.
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