The Independent Advisory Committee (IAC) for the Wetland City Accreditation (WCA) scheme is pleased to announce the extension of the deadline for new Wetland City Accreditation applications by three months, from 30 November 2023 to 29 February 2024. The deadline for applications for renewal of accreditation status remains 30 November 2023. All other application guidelines and procedures remain unchanged.
The Wetland City Accreditation scheme aims to further promote the conservation and wise use of urban and peri-urban wetlands, as well as sustainable socio-economic benefits for local populations.
Additionally, the Accreditation seeks to encourage cities that are close to and dependent on wetlands, primarily Wetlands of International Importance, but also wetlands with other conservation category status, to develop and strengthen a positive relationship with these valuable ecosystems.
In collaboration with ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center the Convention launched a poster and accompanying fact sheet on World Cities Day which provides a snapshot of important benefits of urban wetlands and illustrates what cities can do to enhance these benefits. This joint effort aims to facilitate a deeper understanding of the relationship between urban areas and wetlands thus, encouraging sustainable urban development.
More information here.
Source: The Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention