Opening of the Donors’ Initiative for Mediterranean Freshwater Ecosystems Call for Projects 2023

The Donors’ Initiative for Mediterranean Freshwater Ecosystems (DIMFE) launches its third call for projects.



In order to respond to the challenges that impact freshwater ecosystems, the MAVA Foundation, Aage V. Jensen Charity Foundation, and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation have decided to join forces in 2021 to create the Donors’ Initiative for Mediterranean Freshwater Ecosystems (DIMFE); an initiative dedicated to the conservation and restoration of all freshwater ecosystems in the Mediterranean: rivers, lakes, marshes and peatlands.


Bastasica river in Livanjsko Polje / Nase Ptice. Photo credit: Euronatur


The themes of this call are:

  • Conservation and restoration of freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
  • Sustainable use and management of water resources
  • The development and implementation of sustainable financing mechanisms for freshwater ecosystem conservation and sustainable water use

DIMFE will fund projects that adopt a holistic approach taking into account community and cultural aspects such as the inclusion of socio-economic benefits for local populations, the promotion of environmentally beneficial cultural practices and respect for ethnicity and gender.

Selected projects will be considered for funding from 2024 onwards.

The call for projects will close on 15 October 2023.

To consult submission guidelines and to submit your application please go to the dedicated page:

Partners: Aage V. Jensen Charity Foundation, Hans Wilsdorf Foundation, Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, Sigrid Rausing Trust