Every year, on the 2nd of February, we celebrate World Wetlands Day (WWD) to raise global awareness about the high importance of wetlands for people and our planet. WWD is also an occasion to commemorate the signing of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in the Iranian city of Ramsar in 1971.
Did you know that 35% of global wetlands have been lost in 55 years (1970-2015), while the Mediterranean region has lost 50% of its natural wetlands since 1970, and, unfortunately, we are continuing to destroy and degrade them.
”Wetland action for people and nature”, the theme for WWD 2022, is an appeal to invest financial, human and political capital to save the world’s wetlands from disappearing and to restore those we have degraded.
For people:
- Water scarcity
- Exposure to flooding and extreme weather events
- Lost livelihoods and well-being
- Food insecurity
For the planet:
- Biodiversity decline
- Increased carbon and methane emissions
- Loss of natural freshwater filtration
- Value wetlands as biodiversity hotspots, freshwater stores, carbon sinks and sources of livelihoods.
- Stop draining wetlands and use them wisely
- Rewet, reforest and restore wetlands
Communication materials for WWD 2022
Today, we are pleased to announce that all materials, comprising guide, posters, factsheets, presentations, logos, et that have been provided by the Ramsar Secretariat are, now available to download.
Main poster for getting involved in World Wetlands Day 2022.
Download the pdf file here.
Wetland – a call for action
Download the PDF file here.
Create your own factsheet using the InDesign file
Other materials produced by the Ramsar Secretariat are available on the website of World Wetlands Day at this link.
‘’Coastal wetlands: nature-based solutions to extreme weather.
This infographic was produced by the Wetland-based Solutions project and translated by MedWet. It is available in different languages:
– English
– French
– Albanian
– Bulgarian
– Spanish
– Turkish
– Greek
– Montenegrin
– Arabic
– Bosnian
– Croatian
– Italian
– Slovenian