Survey: How to increase knowledge-exchange for the conservation of Mediterranean wetlands?

Are you a decision-maker, a site manager, or an NGO working on wetland conservation in the Mediterranean region? Your feedback interests us! Please give us ten minutes of your time to answer this short survey.

The Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory, functioning under the umbrella of Tour du Valat and the MedWet Initiative, has launched a survey to gather feedback in order to understand how to better present and disseminate the information provided in the Mediterranean Wetland Outlook (MWO-2, 2018), a publication that summarizes knowledge on the state and trends of Mediterranean wetlands, while indicating priorities and actions to be taken. The Outlook is composed of a booklet with case studies as well as 16 factsheets.

The survey is divided in two parts:

  1. Help us understand what kind of information is the most useful to you in order to give visibility to and protect wetlands;
  2. Contribute to the improvement of the third version of the Outlook by sharing your views regarding what format and content are the most useful to you, along with any other ideas you might have.


Photo: © Marina Kojovic


The questions in the survey are not specifically about the Outlook, so don’t worry if you haven’t seen it yet. In the meantime, it will provide an opportunity to take a look at the report and share your thoughts.

Link to the survey:
Deadline to fill in the survey is February 27th, 2020.



Maud Borie, Tour du Valat