World Wetlands Day 2020: life thrives in wetlands


Every year, on the 2nd of February, we celebrate World Wetlands Day (WWD) to commemorate the signing of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in the Iranian city of Ramsar in 1971.




Wetlands are rich with biodiversity and are a habitat for a dense variety of plant and animal species. Latest estimates show a global decline of biodiversity, while wetlands are disappearing three times faster than forests.

Wetlands and biodiversity ”, the theme for WWD 2020, aims to highlight wetland biodiversity, its status, and why it matters, and to promote actions to reverse its loss.



How you can get involved

Start by registeringyour events dedicated to promoting wetland conservation in this link.

Organize an event

Some suggestions:

  • Organize a conference or open day at a Wetland Centre or in a Wetland of International Importance.
  • Invite wetland experts to explain the role of wetland biodiversity.
  • Hold an exhibition to present and show case arts or photographs about wetlands.
  • Organize a community walk, bike or run for wetlands.
  • Plan a wetland clean-up day.
  • Organize a photo or essay competition.
  • Visit a Wetland of International importance in your country.


Raise public awareness

  • Share the outreach materials created by the Ramsar Convention on your website, social media, newsletters or bulletin boards, etc. Find the materials here.
  • Use the InDesign files to create your own materials such as T-shirts, caps, posters, banners, etc.
  • Translate the information materials provided into your own language.
  • Write articles for your local paper.


Organize a classroom discussion

  • Get students to think about how wetlands naturally help us cope with climate change.
  • Hold a discussion on why wetlands continue to be degraded around the world and what actions are necessary to stop this loss.
  • Organize a quiz about the different types of wetlands. Use the exercise to highlight the other multiple benefits of wetlands to people, such as providing water, livelihoods, food, flood protection, and useful materials, among others.
  • Organize a colouring competition for children.


Communication materials for WWD 2020

Today, we are pleased to announce that all materials, comprising guide, posters, handouts, factsheets, presentations, infographic and logos, that have been provided by the Ramsar Secretariat are, now available to download.



Main poster for getting involved in World Wetlands Day 2020.

Download the pdf file here.

An InDesign file is available to create your own poster event, here.






Wetland biodiversity in crisis
An Infographic on the state of Mediterranean wetlands and their biodiversity, and the key factors leading to their degradation.

it was created by the Off Your Map campaign with the collaboration of MedWet and the French Office for Biodiversity (OFB).

Download the PDF file here.






Wetland biodiversity matters.

Download the PDF file here.

Create your own infographic using the InDesign file



You can find all the materials on the website of World Wetlands Day here.


Other materials


Off Your Map : a campaign on Mediterranan Coastal Wetlands

Through the key message “Life Begins In Wetlands”, the campaign focuses on the critical role played by coastal wetlands in ensuring the livelihoods of millions of people living in these areas, and also in protecting their homes by reducing disaster risks such as flooding and storms. Visit the website of the campaign :




Mediterranean Wetlands Outlook 2

The report, published by the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory (MWO), presents the socio-economic situation, trends of Mediterranean wetlands, their benefits and their values, and includes key messages for decision makers.

Download the report here.







Cartoon Medwet

MedWet has produced a cartoon in 2015 presenting a useful tool to highlight the services provided by wetlands, especially in the Mediterranean region.

See the English version with Arabic subtitles here.



More information