Based on the experience acquired in the project “Conservation of the island wetlands of Greece” (2004-2013), implemented by WWF Greece and thanks to the support of the MAVA Foundation, the Mediterranean Island Wetlands project (MedIsWet) aspires to establish a network of NGOs, institutes, universities and public authorities.
The project includes actions for the completion of the inventories of all the Mediterranean island wetlands, dissemination of knowledge and promotion of certain conservation measures in local, national and Mediterranean scale.
Field visits in Sardinia
During the days from June 4th to 6th, the Sardinian local partner (Centro Conservazione della Biodiversità, CCB/University of Cagliari) had the opportunity to accompany part of the MedIsWet team for a series of dialogues with the local authorities and stakeholders who are consolidated collaborators of the University of Cagliari. The three meetings were located around the most representative wetland areas of southern Sardinia.
The activities already implemented, as well as ideas for the development of future projects around the coastal wetlands of Villasimius, were discussed with the Director of the Marine Protected Area of “Capo Carbonara” Villasimius during the first day.
During the second day, the Ramsar Site of “Stagno di Cagliari” and the Nora lagoon were visited with the responsible people from the Metropolitan City of Cagliari (CMCA) and the Center of Environmental Education and Cetacean/Sea Turtle Rescue (CEAS Nora).
The second Ramsar site situated within the CMCA was visited on the last day with the cooperation of the personnel of the Regional Park of Molentargius-Saline.
The three days were an opportunity to establish a collaboration between the MedIsWet team and the stakeholders interested in conserving the high heritage of Sardinian wetlands. A mailing list with all the people involved is still active for planning future projects together.
The MedIsWet team is grateful for the hospitality of the people met, especially to Fabrizio Atzori (Marine Protected Area of “Capo Carbonara” Villasimius), Alberto Sanna (CMCA), Daniela Fadda (CEAS Nora), and Luisanna Massa (Regional Park of Molentargius-Saline).
Wetland inventories continue in Croatia
In Croatia, the MedIsWet team conducted from 15-30 May 2018 an inventory of 23 wetlands larger than 0.1 ha on eleven Adriatic islands, which increases the total number of visited and inventoried zones to 68 Croatian wetlands by the end of May.
On 21 May, the team contributed to the Celebrate the Island event by organizing, in cooperation with the Lastovo Islands Nature Park, an educational workshop for Lastovo youth and other interested individuals, centered around educating and building awareness of the unique island wetlands and wildlife on Lastovo. The event was an opportunity for the participants to learn why wetlands are significant and why it is extremely important to protect them.

Members of the Association Hyla, with schoolchildren, visited island Lastovo. Photo credit: Association Hyla
Finally, during the visit to Lastovo island, at the request of the public institution “Nature Park Lastovo Archipelago”, the MedIsWet team held a small event for the local children and teachers of the elementary school “Braća Glumac” from the island. The action was held next to one of the ponds and the wetlands of Lastovo island were presented.
Field trip programme underway in Tunisia
In Tunisia, WWF North Africa, one of the MedIsWet partners, conducted from 5 to 10 May 2018 the first field trips of the project in Kerkennah and Kuriat archipelagos. The team inventoried 26 wetlands on 11 islands: 17 on nine islands in Kerkennah Archipelago, five on big Kuriat, and four on Conigliera.
In Kerkennah, the majority of wetlands were salt marshes and sebkhas and only one wetland was artificial (a saline). On the Kuriat Islands, however, the majority of each island is considered as one wetland with a multi-component system that includes a variety of ”sub-wetlands”. A large part of the area is covered by halophyte vegetation and the present wetlands are ponds, coastal salt marshes, and sebkhas.
More information
Read the MedIsWet newsletter of May 2018
Read the new story “Sebkhas & “Sebkhas”. Ignorance, mismanagement and human stupidity’’, published on MedIsWet website.
Related articles:
- The kick off meeting of the Mediterranean Wetlands Island network (MedIsWet)
- MedIsWet celebrates World Wetlands Day 2018
- The Mediterranean island wetlands (MedIsWet) project moves ahead
- The Mediterranean Island Wetlands project (MedIsWet) is active on the ground
- The 2-page article “MedIsWet: un réseau pour les zones humides des îles méditerranéennes” already published in PIM’s magazine
Thanos Giannakakis
MedIsWet project coordinator, WWF Greece