The MedWet STN is a Mediterranean network composed of scientists and experts in wetland-related issues from Mediterranean countries. Its objective is to help MedWet and the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory (Tour du Valat) with the transfer of scientific knowledge to national decision makers.
The five key areas of work are Biodiversity, Inventories, Climate Change, Water, and Ecosystem Services.
Recently, the network gathered the chairs of the specialist groups with the staff of the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory, for the first time, in a kick-off meeting on 27 July 2017 at la Tour du Valat, in the Camargue, France.
During the meeting, the members discussed many potential activities and ideas, such as:
- Biodiversity: the importance of data collecting and sharing, and the analysis of the data sets. The group will focus on the conservation status of key species and ecosystems, and will identify key model sites for assessment. Special attention should be paid to invasive species, which represent an important knowledge gap for decision makers.
- Climate change: identification of knowledge gaps regarding drivers of climate change and its local impacts on Mediterranean water resources. Synergies with the Water and Ecosystems Services groups should be made, notably on the impacts of drought, flooding and the changes in the ecological functioning of wetlands.
- Inventories: thanks to many ongoing and previous research projects, the group will focus on translating existing knowledge into practical and concrete recommendations and guidelines.
- Water: this theme, with a cross-cutting research focus with the other groups, will focus on identifying and quantifying the reductions in water flows and water availability, among other related issues.
- Ecosystem services: the group will work on developing a first knowledge synthesis on biodiversity and ecosystem services for the Mediterranean wetlands, integrating the link with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), both at the Mediterranean and national levels.

Participants in the MedWet STN meeting: Marc Paganini (SG Inventories), Özge Balkiz (SG ecosystem services), Anis Guelmami (MWO-TdV), Thomas Galewski (MWO-TdV), Ilse Geijzendorffer (MWO-TdV), Gordana Beltrame (MedWet Steering Group Chair), Flavio Monti (MedWet), Patrick Grillas (MWO-TdV), Jean Jalbert (TdV & MedWet), Maria Snoussi (SG Climate change), Stefano Barchiesi (SG Water), Violetta Barrios (SG Biodiversity), Alessio Satta (MedWet). Photo credit: A. Satta
The participants have also identified future knowledge related events at which the Mediterranean wetlands and MedWet should be visible. Some first results of the network should be presented to key international conferences for 2018.
More information
You can find all related information about the network on this page:
Manager of the MedWet/STN
Dr. Flavio Monti