As part of the project “Wetland Sentinels in the Maghreb: the MedWet Network of Civil Society in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia”, funded by the MAVA Foundation, two training sessions of trainers were organized in Tunisia, from 19 to 25 February 2017: training of trainers on the analysis of wetland monitoring results, and training of trainers in Communication and Wetland Conservation.
Training of trainers on the analysis of the results of wetlands monitoring indicators
This training follows the preliminary courses on monitoring and evaluation of wetlands carried out since 2015. It is also part of a training mechanism for trainers, aiming to encourage the sustainability of knowledge transfer beyond the period of the project.
The objectives of the programme are: a) thematic training on the analysis of wetland monitoring; and b) training in the mandate of future trainers of participants on wetland monitoring and evaluation.
At the end of this course, the future trainers will have acquired sufficient knowledge, within the framework of their mandate as trainers, on:
- Management of wetland monitoring and evaluation;
- The wetland monitoring and evaluation framework and the place of analysis in this framework;
- Different dimensions of analysis and interpretation of monitoring results; and
- Scales of analysis
Training of Trainers in Communication and Wetland Conservation
This training course lasted three days and was moderated by Faouzi Maamouri, WWF North Africa and Maïlis Renaudin, MedWet Communications Officer.
The training was focused on practical case exercises allowing participants to:
- be able to set up and lead a programme and training sessions for a given target group;
- acquire participants’ knowledge (link between training – national contexts (National Wetlands Strategy of the three countries), regional (the MedWet Framework for Action, Wetland Observatory) and international (the Ramsar Strategic Plan);
- better understand and analyze data; and
- be familiar with communication tools.
These two trainings are the latest courses for this project which will end in March 2017. In the future, the representatives of associations working on wetlands and administrative partners are invited to undertake to train other persons belonging to the concerned organizations and administrations during at least two years.
More information
Document of the Training of Trainers by WWF
Laurent Chazée
Faouzi Maamouri
Maïlis Renaudin