On the occasion of the World Wetlands Day (WWD) which is celebrated every year on the 2nd February, the Management Body of the Messolonghi lagoon (FDLMES), the Secondary Education Directorate of Etoloakarnania and the Mediterranean Institute for Nature and Anthropos (MedINA), are organising a wetland education activity in the local High School of Katohi, in Greece.
Based on the educational material of the Mediterranean Wetlands Initiative (MedWet) and specifically its role playing game on wetland management, the participating students will learn about the values and functions of wetlands, the threats they face and the complexity of today’s great environmental challenges.
The educational activity will unfold over three days, starting with information activities in the school, continuing with a visit to the lagoon on the World Wetlands Day and concluding with the role-playing game that aims to teach students the value of dialogue and science in resolving environmental problems.
Lily Mordechai
Credit Med-INA