Training on monitoring and evaluation of wetlands

As part of the project  “Wetlands sentinels in the Maghreb: the MedWet Network of Civil Society in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia”, funded by the MAVA Foundation, a training on “Monitoring and evaluation of wetlands and protocol for monitoring the priority indicators of the Wetlands Sentinels Network in the Maghreb’’ was organized from 14th to 17th November 2016 in Rabat, Morocco, by WWF Tunisia, in coordination with the Haut Commissariat aux Eaux et Forêts et à la Lutte Contre la Désertification (HCEFLCD).



Photo Credit: Laurent Chazée, Tour du Valat


This training follows two preliminary workshops (November 2015 and October 2016). It is the last step before the monitoring implementation of these indicators.

It had two main objectives:

  1. a) to continue the capacity-building program of the associations involved in the project by involving the central and regional representatives of the wetland administration in the training for monitoring protocols for wetland indicators: the DGFs in Algeria and Tunisia and the HCEFLD in Morocco; and
  2. b) to be able to create synergies between the wetland monitoring and evaluation achievements of the Sentinels project and the activities of the national wetland action plans 2016-2024.

The aim of this training was to transfer knowledge on the different dimensions and logics of assembling the indicators and on the implementation of the monitoring in the field. At four months of the end of the project, it is a crucial step to try to anchor this associative follow-up without the framework of the national follow-ups of these countries. This anchorage is of interest to the HCEFLD and DGF Algeria, who have a national wetlands strategies in which the monitoring and establishing of a wetlands national observatory are planned.


For more information

The training report here (in French)

The project Wetland Sentinels in the Maghreb

List of first indicators selected by the sentinels network and validated by the project steering committee (in French)



Laurent Chazee