The Mediterranean basin is recognized as one of the main biodiversity “hotspots” in the world, both for its marine and terrestrial areas: 10% of known plant species on 1.6% of land, and 7% of known marine species in 0.8% of the oceans. At the same time, the impact of climate change, combined with other anthropogenic pressures, could be more destructive here than in other regions. (Lejeusne et al., 2009; Coll et al, 2010)…
Vigueirat marshes, Camargue. Photo credit : Vincent Piccolomo
It is also the case that Mediterranean natural areas, such as forests and wetlands, are, unfortunately, quite numerous in the top ten of the most degraded habitats in the world.
Human actions, including overpopulation, urbanization, littoralisation, and unsustainable modes of consumption, trade, tourism, etc, as well as climate change impacts, are the main factors of biodiversity degradation in the Mediterranean.
Solutions based on Nature
While biodiversity and ecosystems are threatened by climate change, their conservation, restoration and sustainable management generate significant and practical nature-based solutions to climate change
“Far from being merely a victim of climate change, healthy ecosystems can be a powerful ally, boosting our climate resilience, and helping us mitigate and adapt to the effects of a changing climate…Investing in nature-based solutions must be at the core of our fight against climate change, which is one of the greatest challenges humanity has ever faced,” says Inger Andersen, IUCN Director General
Following the exchanges during the last MedCOP Climate of Tangiers (2016), the main stakeholders involved in the conservation of Mediterranean natural areas joined their contributions to propose possible solutions based on nature for dealing with climate change.
In the Mediterranean region, nature-based solutions are numerous and are the result of interactions between human beings and nature during a millennium. Mediterranean natural areas are like laboratories where these kinds of solutions and management techniques have been maintained and improved. This Mediterranean assortment of solutions is meant to evolve and to be evaluated in view of promoting the implementation of these approaches throughout the whole area and beyond.
To define the actions to be undertaken collectively in the Mediterranean to consider natural areas as one of the solution for facing climate change, a technical workshop will be organized during the UNFCCC COP22 by the Mediterranean Initiative for the Promotion of Solutions Based on Nature, on Tuesday, 8 November at 14: 30 to the Regional Directorate of Water and Forests of the High Atlas (upon registration).
Photo: the Mediterranean Initiative for the Promotion of Solutions Based on Nature
The workshop will facilitate working on a common roadmap based on a shared view of the challenges and issues specific to the Mediterranean.
First results will be presented at several side events during COP22 such as the one on Biodiversity:
Mediterranean Protected Areas: Natural solutions to face Climate change, on 9 November from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm in the Morocco Pavilion.
For more information
For more details, read the Position paper Natural areas in the Mediterranean: efficient solutions to face climate change.
To register at the technical workshop, please contact:
Conservatoire du littoral
Source: Conservatoire du littoral